Why Ducks Make the Perfect Homestead Companion

Our journey with homesteading has been one of the most rewarding experiences of our lives. From building a home to growing a garden, every step has brought new lessons and joys. One of the best decisions we’ve made over the years has been adding ducks to our homestead. If you’re thinking about getting ducks, here’s why they’ve been such an essential part of our life and why they might be the perfect addition to your own homestead!

Why Ducks?

When we first decided to start raising animals, ducks were at the top of our list. They’ve brought so much joy, productivity, and fun to our homestead. Here’s why they made the cut:

  1. Eggs, Glorious Eggs!
    We’ve been enjoying fresh, flavorful duck eggs for years. They’re larger and richer than chicken eggs, perfect for baking, and packed with nutrients. There’s nothing quite like the taste of a fresh duck egg, and it’s become a staple in our kitchen.
  2. Natural Pest Control
    Our ducks have been incredible for keeping the area around their fenced-in space free from pests. While they may not roam freely in the garden, they still help by eating insects, slugs, and snails within their designated area. Their natural foraging behavior has kept the ground healthy and pest-free, and it’s a relief to know they’re doing their part to maintain a balanced ecosystem right within their own space.
  3. They’re Hardy Creatures
    Ducks are incredibly hardy, and over the years, we’ve seen them thrive in a range of conditions. They’re built to handle cold weather, which makes them a great fit for our climate. We do end up having to up the ante during the winter months in my area as the temperatures do get too cold for them during some months. Now, there will be some places where you will see not to do this, but we have always used heat lamps for our ducks and we keep watchful eyes on them. We have had no issues with fire risk or ducks burning themselves, if the heat lamps are set up properly.
  4. Unbeatable Personalities
    We’ve been lucky enough to witness firsthand just how delightful ducks can be. Their personalities are unmatched—curious, playful, and charming. Watching them waddle around or take a dip in their pond always brings a smile to our faces. Not that is is the most cleanly, but we’ve even swam in pools with our ducks. They’re so much fun when their personalities shine through.

What We’ve Learned Over the Years:

  • Housing Needs
    Over the years, we’ve learned the importance of a good, secure duck house. Ducks need a dry, comfortable space to sleep and lay eggs, and we’ve made sure they have plenty of room to roam around. We have built our own coops for quite some time, just using wood. We line our coops for our ducks currently with straw to keep a warm and dry environment for them.
  • Water, Water, Everywhere!
    Ducks need access to water for swimming and bathing. We’ve made sure to set up ponds and pools over the years, giving them ample space to keep their feathers clean and stay happy.
  • Feeding Ducks
    While ducks are excellent foragers, they do require a balanced diet to stay healthy. Over time, we’ve perfected our feeding routine, making sure they get the right mix of grains, greens, and protein. Mealworms have always been a favorite for our ducks. We get them from our local farming stores, dried in bags. We love to throw handfuls in their pools and watch as they swim around and munch on their favorite treats!

What’s Next?

As our duck flock continues to grow and thrive, we’re always learning new things. We’re researching more sustainable ways to care for them, building better habitats, and, of course, continuing to enjoy the many benefits of having ducks around.

If you’ve been considering adding ducks to your homestead, we’d love to hear from you! Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned pro, feel free to share your experiences, tips, or any questions you might have.

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